So this coming weekend is one of my long time friends bachelor party. This should be a great time, I am looking forward to treating my body and liver as though I am 22 again for about 5 hours till it rejects the idea. We are heading down to Ft. Walton Beach and I think have 800 beers, 10 bottles of Jager, 2 bottles of Capt. : ), and whatever other poisons make the journey. (none of these numbers are exaggerated.) The 8 of us will probably accomplish a myriad of things if this is anything like the last trip I made to the beach with Drizzle and Bert. Last time we were there was over 5 years ago and some of the highlights included.
1. crashing at the band house for local bar "The Swamp" with a friends band. I did not wear clothes I believe at any point while in this house. I think I slept the majority of one day with no clothes, on the couch, with only sunglasses on. Meanwhile while passed out probably 50 people came and went through the house.
2. All three of us decided to see if we could drink only booze for 72 hours. Lost some years for this one.
3. Set Drew's hair on fire.
4. Got annihilated and passed out on the beach to awake and find Drew talking to some 50 year old beach trash. Then we talked her into going with us to get our noses pierced while we paid for her to get her man in the boat pierced. This was awful and disgusting, but really funny.
Those were just some of the high points in our LOW LIFE HOLIDAY. We will see how this one measures up, a pretty rowdy group going.
So knowing that the weekend should for all intensive purposes almost kill me. I am getting training done before I go.
bar x 10
245 x 5 x 2
335 x 5 x 2
425 x 4 x 3
wfh: 56# weight for height
I took 13 throws in rapid succession with bar at 15'6" (fixed training bar)
I think 10 cleared
all done in under 12 min. This was rough but I think I may do some more interval throwing this off season.
x 3 best of 84'
So hot that everything I own was soaking wet after the WFH. I couldn't keep a grip on the weight.
x 5 best of 63' (3 over 60')
This getting over the left leg is really something. I feel like I just put in a cheat code. Hopefully it keep developing.
All in all things are feeling good. I am a bit sore from the training this week. Train tomorrow and then get ready for the shit show of a bachelor party this weekend. Hey there Poor Decisions and Self Loathing good to see you guys again.
(Training Vid will go up in the AM)

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Well i guess try not to let anyone die.............