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September 07, 2011

9*7*11 Training

So I got my head straight and decided to do my training.  I did not feel like it today or yesterday for that matter but, it needs to be done.  So after taking my pre-workout shake and loading some new music to the ipod it was time to do the little bit of lifting and throwing I have Rx'd.

Todays workout music is the newest LIL' WAYNE ALBUM, THE CARTER IV.... this album so far is super good but I do love me some WEEZY.  I'm straight hood.  "Real G's move in silence like Lasagna."  that shit don't even make sense.....and it doesn't have to.  "It gets the people going!"...Will Ferrell.

Anyways, sorry training was nothing spectacular tonight it went like this.

Warm-up: x 3
jump rope x 100 ( I want to be able to do rocky shit currently I jump rope like a stuffed bag of shit.)
pvc roll- back, quads, hip flexors, glute
jav stretch

Axl Press:
bar x 10 x 3
135 x 5 x 3
225 x 3 x 3
265 x 2 x 3

Throwing:(all done on concrete in throwing shoes)
Ostone: used 16lbs shot
standing throws x 5 best of 51'
fulls x 15 best of 58' (10 over 55')
fulls x 15 best of 86' (10 over 80')

All in all things are right where I want them to be.  I am going to take my last shot at breaking the Amateur Open Stone Record 60'3".  I have thrown 59'10" this year.  I am hoping everything feels right and I can make this happen.  Other than that I just want to have a solid performance across the board.  I can't afford to bail on an event next week at worlds so might as well get ready for it.

I am looking forward to sharing the field again and possibly for the last time, at least for a min, with some of the other top AM's.  This game was a lot of fun last year and super competitive, it actually came down to a three way tie for 1st with Wes Kiser, John O'neil, and myself heading into WOB.  I managed to pull it out and threw a PR of 16'7".  Needless to say I am very excited.

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