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September 20, 2011

9*20*11 Traveling to Loon MTN NH

Last weekend I was invited to compete in the IHGF Professional World Championships at Loon Mtn. in NH.   I have never been to NH so this is a new state for me to knock of my list.  I think the only one I am missing now out of New England is Vermont.

View from hotel balcony
The trip was great.  I am still a bit tired so this is not going to be as exciting as it could be.  This area of New Hampshire is beautiful.  I always enjoy being in the mountains since it is such a drastic change of scenery from Louisiana.  Also any time I can escape and get to basque in cool fall weather early I take it.  The weather stayed between 40-70 the whole time.  There is no better throwing weather than sunny and 65 with a slight breeze.

My flights up were pretty standard nothing really new entertaining happened.  I did luck out and get a row by myself on the tiny plane to Charlotte and again on the flight to Boston.  This extra room and the ability to raise the arm rest so that I can spread my awfulness across numerous seats is always a plus.  I watched a couple movies on the way up,  "Attack the Block" and "Hanna".  Both of these were pretty good.  Check them out or don't it is you life.  I wonder if I find movies that I watch on planes or in my truck better than I should under other circumstances?  Perhaps cause they are free and entertaining me through an otherwise mundane day I enjoy them more.

My fresh whip....and chins
After arriving in Boston I waited for my car service to pick me up. (balling son!)  So my Driver picked Scott Rider(thrower from England, also bobsledder for in olympics) and myself in a leather decked out Expedition.  Really comfortable ride and I am sure that since this is my first Pro Games I am now spoiled.  It is about a 2.5hr ride to the mountains from Boston.

The hotel we are at is a mountain resort at the bottom of a ski area.  Really nice however kinda dated on amenities, things like old TV and no WIFI in the rooms. (not having wifi was weird, I could get wifi in the lobby but who the hell wants to hang out in the lobby?)   Any way the hot tub and pool were excellent for recovery.  Doing contrast and stretching everyday really made a big difference in my day to day recovery to throw well.

The contest happened.  I got 2nd.  Pretty pumped on this however it will get its own write up.
sitting on the slopes... smart!

We ate at all the local ski town stuff.  Gypsy Cafe where I had delicious lamb chops and mashed potatoes.  They also had some killer nachos for appetizers covered in steak and cheese.  Everything here was really good but pricey.  Something also a problem people in NH hate Air Conditioning.  This is total bullshit, I am heavy and fat and need cool air and preferably moving cool air blowing on me at all times other wise the never ending battle with swamp ass will be a devastating defeat.  There were a couple of pizza and sandwich shops that were OK.  However there sandwiches are pretty turbo due to hot pepper relish, all places in america should have this.  It takes normal sandwiches and makes them BADASS, like other sandwiches would totally have to hold it pocket and tie its shirt up in a knot exposing it's tender mid drift section while they paraded around the yard.  Even Subway has this and now I know there is something I am missing while I force subway down my throat 10 times a week.  UGH.

Appearance of my sagging chin...  face like Rocky Dennis.
After the contest we went and ate Thai food.  This place was totally sweet, good food and big servings.  Also getting to listen to Rusty tell a story about how he almost killed a legend in our sport with therapeutic bee stings was amazing.  Post dinner all stuffed to the gills we went to party and celebrate.  The club was amazing it was perfect lighting, hot chicks, and good drinks.  And by all those things I mean we went and got ice cream down the street at 7:30pm then went to bed.  The ice cream place has a challenge and so I decided to throw down the $18.00 for it and watch Rusty attack it.  He failed.... so sad was the day.  Ryan Vierra could have plowed through this 5pound container of ice cream and topping no problem.  I decided to call it and crash since I had an early pick up to go to the airport.

Coming home I was picked up by my town car(straight balling again.....)at 2:45am with one of the Maters Competitors and legend Mike Baab.  We laid back in the cut enjoying the leather and discussed all things training and sport.  This was better than sleeping I can do that when I am dead or most nights at 9:30 pm which ever comes first.  The flights home were rough from Boston to Houston 4hrs sucks being jammed against a window by another large human sitting in the middle.  This guy wasn't some circus fat monster just a normal sized guy and that amount of space just doesn't cut it.  So I watched "Sexy Beast", "FAST FIVE" and "Red State"  I'm sure you can all guess which of these was a steaming pile.  "Red State" is by far the best of the movies I watched this weekend.  It is an amazing film by Kevin Smith and the acting is excellent all the way through also brings up some interesting stuff.

Now I'm home and getting to hang out with my wife and start attacking work and the off season.I got to order some new toys for my training this off season so I am looking forward to getting my new lifting shoes and my Powerfactor.

peace out suckas..

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